Almost Complete...
Before you book your free seat in the training room please read and understand the following terms...
How Can This Course Be Free?
Toby and Kate offer this programme in good faith to people aspiring to become qualified in NLP and learn new skills to help develop your personal and professional life. This courses is the first two days of a full NLP Practitioner certification programme and is not simply a sales pitch or promotion seminar.  By attending this course you will learn some amazing NLP tools and techniques that have the power to change your life.  The training course will also affirm whether NLP is the right path for you.

Limited Space Reservation Policy
Toby and Kate have a limited number of complimentary seats available for the NLP Foundation Weekends in London, which often fill up quickly! By registering for the weekend training course, you are reserving a FREE seat. If you attend the course, there will be no charge. However, please note that if you register and fail to show up, a fee of £100 will be applied to help cover our costs. 

To confirm your identity and agree to these terms, we kindly ask for a small transaction fee of up to £0.40.  To secure your spot, please complete the registration form by clicking onto the button below.
we will not spam, rent, or sell your information
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